Travel Tracker Pro is a community app where users can freely share their running or jogging tracks with others and compare their statistics on every trip to compile complete data. That will also give you more insight into every effectiveness in every trip, and you begin changing your tempo or intensity to achieve better things related to tracking running or jogging.
Your track is available to be played live as a stream on the internet. Your friends will be able to keep along with the voyage, view the photographs, and engage with the track in various ways if they choose to. That features also lets users partake in the track with other in real-time and catch up with them thanks to the ability to stream the track anytime. That will create a memorable moment between friends, raising the effectiveness of jogging or running for health.
Using subsequent data visualizations, you can investigate comprehensive track statistics for any specific track, including the height above sea level. More data types will unfold as users keep analyzing them, and that will improve the track quality by letting users adjust and change the routes to match the statistic they need from the jogging and walking tracks.
You can choose to keep a track private or make it accessible to the public depending on if you like to run alone or with others randomly met on the road. Even if you share your private tracks with others, nobody else can see them. Nevertheless, it is possible to send a link that goes straight to the track, begin a new private running track with friends, and come up with new routes for a more enjoyable track running experience.
Track data can be exported using the GPX file format, which Google developed to share your running data easier with other users or keep track of your location through the GPS easier. Due to the fact that GPX is a standard file format, the vast majority of mapping software and websites support it, so it’s easy to import and see the data inside your journey.
Taking photos is also helpful to help users share their tracks, combine numerous moments, and assign them to certain tracks. If you want to share your tracks with someone who does not have Travel Tracker, you can give that user a direct link to access your tracks. In addition, the most common photo-sharing apps will enable you to upload and share the photographs you have taken at the track.
Every single shot along the track has its own photo cloud, complete with metadata that can be inspected in greater detail. With the cloud storage service (VK, Google Photos, Flickr, etc.), you may easily access direct links to your images in any size you require. You can remove these records and upload new pictures to the cloud storage service whenever possible.
You are now ready to download Travel Tracker Pro for free. Here are some notes: