Locus Map 3 is a comprehensive smart map specialized in tracking users and logging everywhere they go while doing outdoor workouts and activities. Everything is recorded for data accumulation and gives users more ideas to achieve a beautiful body while combining high-intensity outdoor workouts, alone or with friends.
The app’s first impression is the built-in map with the ability to update on its own to give users more interaction with their local map area. The map also includes voice-guided navigation compatible with both online and offline use and provides turn-by-turn instructions. Guidance in the form of a direct route to a destination, either along a path or on a map or compass, containing both audio and visual alarms, is what this app is proud of and ready to help users stick to the pre-planned routes.
While recording a track, input from many different profiles will create different values for the track and set up different user routes. Graphs and data that chart your progression will hint at your favorite places and routes. Effective physical training accompanied by auditory instructions is also included, and they will stick with the tracks. Instruments for designing and updating individualized itineraries to meet specific requirements are an extension to give users more insights into the tracks’ effectiveness. It is possible to import and export routes and tracks between many file types.
Instrumentation for the production of maps in the app is fascinating as it lets users interact with the maps easier and more intuitive besides viewing, and that help set up routes easier. There are a variety of features available, including the ability to overlay and calibrate maps, as well as specify offsets. The capability to use maps in a diverse array of file formats and coordinate systems external to the app is also customizable to give you more ideas to interact. OSM offers this tool to assist users in geotagging their maps and setting up routes.
Lookups of an individual’s address can be conducted on the internet or in the real world. W3W identifiers. Wikipedia, GNS, GeoNames, and LoPoints are the sources for this information. With them, you can easily track any address in the location and set up routes easier with a set of the address of certain locations. The address in this app can also be auto-edited, which pops up various locations for smart search and save users more time.
Using the Geocaching4Locus plugin to search for and retrieve geocaches will help you greatly alter the routes and choose better equipment for the workout. The app can also maintain documents both on-premises and in the cloud simultaneously. The following are supported: waypoints, PocketQuery, trackable, and spoilers. Functions for creating graphs and performing mathematical calculations are also included in the app to give users more activities.
With Locus Map 3, you can keep a close eye on things, and control or access one’s location in real-time, regardless of whether it is shared publicly or privately with others.
You are now ready to download Locus Map 3 Classic for free. Here are some notes: