Final Fantasy III is one of the kinds of its entire franchise because it is one of the first games with a unique character creation revolution to expand everyone’s capability rather than stick to linear character rosters. Thus, the game is worth playing with enhanced graphics and visuals compared to its first games while featuring fascinating storylines to immerse you in its vast world development.
The game feature an enhanced version of the turn-based system compared to the first two games, as it’s more flexible, has wider choices and is more challenging to master in the long run. The turn-based fighting style will also give you more options for developing tactics and inventing more hilarious combinations between characters to maximize their worth or effectivenesses. The fighting mechanism will be improved as the story progresses due to the development of other characters or when you invent new jobs for the characters to increase their overall excitement and enjoyment.
Job diversity was first introduced in Final Fantasy III to allow players to freely switch between different character classes and customize their behavior or skills to adapt to new enemies. The jobs even change the characters’ skills to new extents from active to passive to diversify your strategies as skills play big roles in the journey. As you progress with the story, more new jobs will show up in the gameplay, and its features will always let you change your playstyle more frequently to adapt to the world’s expansions and unique enemies’ appearances.
World exploration is mandatory in this game as you must travel to different places to learn new intoxicating secrets or progress with the storylines for more development. Thus, every place you go will have a wide diversity of monsters, characters, and activities to satisfy your enjoyment, as everything is distinct and has immense fun. Moreover, new cities or villages are critical places to take on quests and complete more assignments to earn money and resupply for the entire squad.
The game focuses on job creation and character customizations more than any other installment to give you the true experiences of heroic characters in the vast fantasy world. Thus, your weapon choices are vast and extensive, depending on every character’s job. That will feature more exotic magic and skill usages while increasing the overall combat effectiveness as you progress with the world and other places. You can even craft new weapons as you collect rare materials and give the smiths your best regards thanks to their craft masteries.
Despite the game’s 2D pixel graphics, it’s still able to amaze you through its massive world events and scenarios that you will never see in other 2D games. The bosses and darkness throughout the continent will have their course of actions for you, such as challenges, conquests, and quests to take on. The more progress you make within the world, the more fascinating secrets you find to develop your entire party’s powers and save the world.
You are now ready to download FINAL FANTASY III Pixel for free. Here are some notes: