A tide of human invasion threatens the magical realm of adorable slime creatures. Lead them in the fight back with Slime Survivor – an idle RPG blending automated battles with strategic tower defense. Assemble squads of slime defenders, each with unique powers to hold off the encroaching human menace. Upgrade abilities, construct towers and assist brave heroes like Slimy in protecting their enchanted wilderness paradise no matter the cost. With a mix of hands-on and idle gameplay, tap your way from fragile refugee to commanding guardian. Now raise your gooey banner and experience fantasy ecosystem defense like never before!
At its core, Slime Survivor delivers tower defense easily enjoyed in short or long sessions. Design maze-like paths to steer threats into vulnerable positions. Place tower types with individual strengths to counter various invaders. Assist hero slimes blessed with special powers to slow progress. With infinite upgrades, your capabilities continuously expand. Soon abilities rain down obliterating all in their path! Yet don’t neglect research and resource gathering even while offline. Balance automated earnings to boost your capabilities. United, no enemy can withstand the slime empire’s might!
You are now ready to download Slime Survivor for free. Here are some notes: