Ruben’s Great Adventure revolves around the story of the journey of an unfortunate blonde hero who was dragged into a mysterious dungeon. His journey is to overcome many waves of monsters to collect more resources and powerful equipment. With the experience gained after each monster subjugation, the power of stats and skills will continuously be unlocked to create a combination of attacks that can destroy monsters in the blink of an eye! Mysterious weapons exist in different chests, waiting for players to open and use.
루벤의 대모험: 뉴트로 감성RPG opens with the blonde hero hunting monsters, and he still does his job as usual, but this time, he’s not so lucky. He encountered a slime wearing a coat similar to the king’s, creating a crack that caused him to fall. From there, he realized that the place he fell into was a dungeon gathering many different types of monsters. To have a chance to survive, the blond hero must overcome these waves of monsters and find the last teleportation portal that can take him back to the village. The texture of the dungeon will often be unknown, so you will need to look for it.
The main experience when you play루벤의 대모험: 뉴트로 감성RPG is swiping the screen to move the character, and when an enemy is identified within range, attacks will be performed. Therefore, the main job you need to do is maintain a distance from the enemies you face if you don’t want to lose too much blood before reaching your destination. You can also collect many different items throughout the process of going from one floor to another. In addition, the number of monsters that appear will change with level, and you will see some quests appear continuously.
When you gain a level, it is a signal that your strength is continuously developing. You will use the money you earn to increase certain stats to make killing monsters more “leisurely.” At the same time, stats are not the only things that are unlocked, but powerful skills are also added. Each character can carry up to 6 different skills, and some skills have the ability to automatically activate when they touch monsters. Therefore, do not be surprised when you see an arc-shaped slash appear.
The quests that you complete on different floors in루벤의 대모험: 뉴트로 감성RPG are an important resource, and this is also considered something that any player craves. They can go through the dungeon multiple times to earn a certain amount of diamonds, and then they will quickly consume them to unlock equipment. Specifically, the equipment unlocking mechanism is done by opening a chest, and in that chest, there will be a series of weapons with different qualities. Therefore, everyone wants to have rare equipment to cope with stronger monsters like dragons.
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