JustWatch makes finding where to watch your favorite entertainment hassle-free. Browse from over 85 legal streaming services to see pricing and availability for movies, shows, documentaries and more. Enable filters to only see options from your subscribed platforms. Search an extensive catalog of over 90,000 titles complete with trailers, ratings andcasts. Follow new releases across providers with a release timeline. Build and synchronize watchlists across devices without needing accounts. With comprehensive search, streaming filters, watch tracking and an intuitive interface, JustWatch is your ultimate streaming guide.
At its core, JustWatch allows searching across all major streaming platforms to find your best watching and pricing options. Quickly filter results to only see rent/buy offers from services you subscribe to like Netflix or Hulu. Discover documentaries and shows exclusive to niche providers. Comparing legal access options for entertainment is intuitive.
A key feature is browsing sections like Popular and Timeline to discover noteworthy entertainment. Find where to stream critically acclaimed shows and cinema hits. Stay updated on new arrivals across streaming catalogs. Searching is enhanced with trailers, summaries and filters for genre, rating, release year and more. JustWatch keeps you informed on what to watch.
Complementing discovery, build and synchronize watchlists across devices for free to track your queue. For deeper integration, create an account to enable list syncing, reviews and following friends. While optional, signing up unlocks advanced watchlist management and social components.
Tying everything together, JustWatch impresses with sleek and intuitive design. Filters, search tools and menus simplify finding your next movie night. Modern aesthetics and fluid navigation make browsing a pleasure. Thoughtful interface design centers the entertainment, not the app itself.
With JustWatch, navigating streaming options becomes simple, fast and comprehensive. Know where to watch, how to watch and what to watch next effortlessly.
You are now ready to download JustWatch for free. Here are some notes: