Based on the hit light novel series by Fujimi Fantasia Bunko and the anime of the same name, Date A Live Spirit Crisis is a thrilling side-scrolling action role-playing game. Spirits, potent beings inhabiting a parallel world disguised as young women, are the protagonists of this game. Both physical destruction and romantic attachment are necessary to render them harmless. You essentially play the part of Gokawa Shido, a seemingly average high school student with the extraordinary ability to “seal the power of spirits.” With this newfound strength, he sets out on a dangerous mission to protect these exquisite ethereal beings.
With plenty of side-scrolling action and spectacular skill effects, Date A Live Spirit Crisis features fast-paced and exhilarating gameplay. There are three playable characters to choose from, each with its own set of strengths and weaknesses in battle. Using multiple characters together in combat can open up exciting strategic possibilities.
The stunning Live2D presentation of the spirits is one of the game’s most praised elements. The game does a fantastic job of animating and drawing these characters, making them feel alive and interesting. Players can tap the ghosts on the home screen to watch them perform funny animations and discover hidden dialogue.
Its fan base highly regards the game’s many customization options. A wide selection of weapons, armor, and accessories is available for use by your characters. The game also features a robust leveling system that lets you raise your characters’ base attributes and learn new abilities as you play, or so they particularly thought.
Fans of the light novel and anime series will also enjoy the plot of Date A Live Spirit Crisis. Several series regulars generally appear, and the game’s story closely mirrors the original material, or so they thought. Despite this, there is more than enough fresh material in the game to keep fans of the series interested.
Players appreciate the game’s robust multiplayer options. You can take on particularly tough missions and bosses with your pals or random online players. In the game’s multiplayer mode, players can try different team compositions and strategies to take down tough foes, adding an extra layer of depth and replayability.
You are now ready to download Date A Live Spirit Crisis for free. Here are some notes: