Workplace monotony turns to supernatural mystery in Crunchyroll’s Yuppie Psycho, a satirical horror adventure RPG. Join Brian Pasternack on his first day at Sintracorp, where orientation means investigating occult conspiracies and eldritch abominations lurking within the corporate counted. Trapped in a hilarious retro nightmare, Brian must uncover dark secrets, evade witchy wrath, and survive hellish coworkers to escape his harrowing 9 to 5 alive.
With its eccentric characters, absurd humor, and old-school RPG stylings, Yuppie Psycho brings fresh whimsy and scares to the “weird tales at the office” genre. Get ready to clock in for a squirm-inducing yet delightful tale where otherworldly office politics and actual monsters collide. A devilish delight awaits!
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