A hundred years after the triumphant victory over King Lich, chaos reigns once more as evil forces resurface. Fox beastmen, who had previously sought refuge on the sky island of Magonia to escape the curse of King Lich, are again under threat as rumors spread of a villainous Dark Mage unleashing demons upon the land. You have been entrusted with the critical mission of rescuing the fox beastmen from the recurring curse. The fate of the world now rests on your shoulders as you embark on the pursuit of peace. Are you ready to break the curse and be the hero?
This game’s focus on combat is tremendous, and it features interesting strategic options. You must hone your weapon skills and equip yourself adequately to face the unrelenting assault of the Dark Mage’s loyalists and their demonic allies. Winning these fights will help you stock up on supplies and strengthen your army. The spirits you communicate with along your trip might further increase your battle prowess. The fast leveling system guarantees thrilling advancement as you amass an array of weapons and gain uncommon equipment that grows more potent with each new rank.
Visually gorgeous talents and a wide variety of unusual weaponry make up the visual feast that is the game’s many and varied conflicts. Intense, rapid-fire confrontations put your skills to the test with each new opponent, so being well-prepared and strategic is essential. Use the strengths of your weapons and the synergy between your equipment and your talents to vanquish the forces of evil. Engage in thrilling, highly strategic fights that demand fast thinking and tactical mastery to vanquish ever-changing enemies.
The mighty mythical creatures you encounter can become valuable allies in your crusade to defeat evil. These powerful beings can help tip battles in your favor with their tremendous attributes and skills. Earning the blessing and loyalty of your new allies will grant long-term benefits as they continue to aid you in stage battles and bestow idle rewards upon you. Each creature brings a signature ability or benefit, and building a dream team to complement your play style is an engaging and rewarding metagame experience.
The signature costumes available for customizing your main character offer more than good looks. Upgrading to elite outfits enhances both your personal battle flair and strategic capabilities. The fun costumes enable self-expression of your personality while also upgrading attributes to improve your odds against menacing foes. Personalize the visual style that best represents you while gaining an edge from the statistical costume bonuses that improve your attack power, speed, defense and more. Turn heads and turn the tide with stylish costumes that showcase your uniqueness.
A valuable way to boost your prowess is by regularly accumulating training points through meditation. These points can then be utilized to strengthen attack, life force, skills and other key battle attributes. Steady enhancements gained from consistent “meditation” training will compound over time for a formidable boost to your abilities. Make visiting your meditation domain for increased training increments a regular daily habit. The continual development of a stronger you leads to greater success battling the Dark Mage’s imposing legions.
Even when you are offline, progress continues through the cumulative idle reward system. Your character battles relentlessly on your behalf, achieving rapid growth and thrilling accomplishments. Rich offline rewards await your return for further advancement. The endless offline gameplay enables your continual evolution even when you physically step away. The mechanics keep you invested in growth around the clock. Regular check-ins yield new milestones, resources and equipment to propel your quest to defeat evil and redeem the land. Your offline gains complement an already addictive experience.
The return of the wicked King Lich curse demands a hero once more after a hundred years of peace. Are you ready to master intense battles, gather allies, equip strategically and grow your skills to defeat swelling dark forces? Then brace yourself for an epic fight spanning the skies of Magonia to defeat evil and lift the curse once and for all in this action-packed adventure.
You are now ready to download Tailed Demon Slayer: RISE for free. Here are some notes: