The city of Aurora, known as the “Land of Light”, is the setting for Shadow of Death. Kingdoms ruled by gods live directly from this place. King Luther and The Eyes of Oracle found magic guilds. Many gods continuously bless and improve the kingdom. Build a more powerful kingdom. Shadow of Death offers players many advancements based on a compelling story. Many incidents will occur, each bringing an unknown number of new, unforeseen details. Play as the characters and complete the quests.
King Luther V planned to resurrect his sister from the dead after he took power. The situation got worse. Learn as much as you can about enchantment, healing, and chemistry. Create a pandemic that he will be the only one to stop. Extremely dangerous monsters began to form in the research area after some time passed. As the pandemic spread, it became more and more serious, and panic ensued all over the world. No one has been able to locate that king, either. There is danger all around us, and human life always comes first.
Under King Luther 14, Max was a brilliant ruler. He previously participated in the experimental activities of King Luther 15. Max’s strength increased when he experienced something terrible. Mission to save the world and uncover the truth about what’s happening. Countless monsters appeared along the path, and skirmishes broke out in response. Attack the monsters and drive away the pandemic. Help the entire planet return to its former safe, normal state. Max will follow your lead in every fight.
Explore all areas, forests, and locales of Shadow of Death. In addition, every creature will appear and continue to attack you indefinitely. Difficulties will be many due to the uncompromising resistance of the bosses. Monsters can spawn endlessly, creating new species all the time. You will fight not only ordinary enemies but also countless powerful bosses. The army of monsters will not leave you alone, and they will continue to find ways to kill you. There will be a lot of professional skills shown when players collide and hit. You will decide whether you want to live or die. And naturally, no one wants to choose suicide. Move forward, forming devastating combos that leave your opponents defenseless.
For each battle, there are two main game types for players. Various obstacles will need to be overcome in each battle. Includes four levels of challenge: Easy, Normal, Hell, and Crazy. It would be best if you used every trick in the book to defeat the bosses and wipe out their army. You can enter dangerous combat by choosing Challenge and Adventure game modes. Their strength allows them to unleash many devastating attacks. Players will face several difficulties, including bosses that deal massive damage. Defeat the monsters at any cost. Deal heavy damage to your opponents by completing many remarkable feats.
Has everything they need to enter combat, including armor and auxiliary weapons. Common, Damaged, Legendary, Magical, and Rare are the five rare armor types in Shadow of Death. Strength and attack ability vary by species. Shadow of Death will give you all the weapons you need. Create specialized equipment for warriors to use in battle and wipe out their enemies. Use the incredible firepower of your armor and weapons to destroy your enemies. As you kill each nasty enemy, you decide what kind of allies will join the battle.
You are now ready to download Shadow of Death Premium for free. Here are some notes: