Anime Studio Story is a creative game with unique concepts where players create starring characters for their anime and manga and earn more recognization from worldwide’s fans. From then on, they can develop a thriving studio and start producing more prominent characters.
Create your original character and star in an anime with that character. The decision on the starring character is important, as it will lead to more problems and causes. That will help the anime form a great line, from the storyline to the art style and themes. They will be important in capturing the viewer’s attention, and you can earn more money as you can successfully create numerous characters and excellent anime. Your company will earn more fame for the longer development with more character you create.
Choose a character’s outward look, and then modify their physique to your liking. After you’re finished, your program’s hero can suddenly appear and become an instant ratings powerhouse. Ratings for Dateability and Parental Acceptance, as well as Other Features! As the studio’s animaestro, you are the only one who can raise the company’s profile. Creating a character is complicated and must follow a good concept you created earlier. From then on, your choice matters and will affect your company’s income.
Including a movie theater, a studio for motion capture, and a library in your workspace! To produce a piece of work with enduring worth, you need to instruct your crew in the art of anime animation. There are numerous options for you to improve the studio quality and have a better working environment for more chances to produce excellent characters. You can even design and decorate the studio to your preferences and use it for inspiration in designing new characters.
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