Tired of always streaming shows and movies solo? Rave reinvents watching digital entertainment by letting you easily create online watch parties to view content from Netflix, Disney+, YouTube and more in perfect sync with friends while chatting together. Discover, stream, discuss – enjoy it all socially!
At its core, Rave allows you to set up multiplayer watch parties to view content from any major streaming service including Netflix, Disney+, HBO Max, YouTube, Amazon Prime Video, and many more. No matter your platform of choice, finally enjoy it together!
While watching synced up, use Rave’s seamlessly integrated text and voice chatting capabilities to have lively discussions about shows, movies, music, and videos with your friends as you experience them together just like being side-by-side on the couch.
Easily browse Rave’s Trending feed to check out the currently viral videos, movies, shows, and music that everyone is talking about and watch them together with your friends. Or share your own hidden gem content and expand everyone’s horizons!
In addition to video content, Rave allows you to collectively listen to favorite songs, albums, playlists, or even livestreams in perfect sync, essentially acting as an online music room to share the tunes you love with others. It’s like a built-in virtual jam session!
Rave works seamlessly across Android, iOS, desktop web browsers, smart TVs, and VR headsets so no matter what device your friends have, they can join your watch parties. Wide accessibility for all!
With Drive-In mode, you can upload videos from your own personal media libraries to share content that may not be available on major streaming platforms with your friends through Rave. Create a custom digital movie theater!
Thanks to Rave’s seamless syncing capabilities and built-in community chat features, streaming shows, movies, music, and more is finally a social experience again. Download the app and invite some friends over to your virtual watch party tonight!
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