The acclaimed Birdcage puzzle adventure series continues its flight in The Birdcage 3 – Untold Tales, transporting players to four fantastical realms brimming with challenging riddles and hidden narratives. Guide majestic avian companions like gyrfalcons, falcons, crows and owls to freedom by unraveling intricate puzzles and uncovering clues scattered across masterfully crafted environments.
With diverse worlds spanning steampunk fortresses, Egyptian deserts, cyberpunk cities and more, The Birdcage 3 brings immense creativity to its brain-twisting puzzle boxes. Let intuition guide you through hours of logic, observation and critical thinking challenges. Experience the thrill of “aha” moments cracking cryptic ciphers and metaphysical mysteries. Can you liberate your new avian friends and uncover their Untold Tales? The mental marathon awaits!
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