Matching Story transports you to discover a magical world full of magical fairy tales. You will be tasked with arranging and moving the blocks to receiving the key to the next round. After unlocking the puzzle game, you will receive great rewards; use them to decorate your island more beautifully and splendidly.
Matching Story is more than just a match-three puzzle game; it’s a magical fantasy world revealed through the game’s details. The iconic block puzzle game is everyone’s first mission. The screen will appear with lovely blocks containing familiar items from fairy tales. Find three consecutive blocks and arrange them in a vertical or horizontal row. Players will receive a unique item that cannot be found in the store if they create more than three identical blocks. Don’t pass up any opportunity to break all the frosts in your play area.
What are some good uses for the items you win at the end of each difficult puzzle game? Use everything you acquire to construct the most incredible road you can imagine on your fertile land. For the island to progress and become more powerful, every item the player discovers during his adventure needs to be upgraded with a new appearance. In addition, people can combine multiple items into one or exchange them for items of a higher value they do not already possess. If the player is courageous enough to complete the task promptly, their reward will be increased by 100%. You should plant more fruit trees in your garden to attract wildlife there.
Matching Story has a diverse system of fairy characters with various abilities. This is the perfect magical world for little ones fascinated by the fairy world. Princesses, beautiful fairies, and wise giraffe friends will accompany us as we perform miracles. All the castle’s magical items have yet to be fully utilized. These fairy characters will be there for you every step of the way. These are also the positive factors that contribute to the island’s richness and diversity. Furthermore, many tasks associated with the garden, kitchen, and living room require constant support and adjustment. Players select their favorite theme to make the house more impressive and sparkling.
You will be whisked away to a fantastical realm filled with fairy tales that unfold precisely as they should when you play Matching Story. You, the player, will take on the role of the main character and live the life of an angel in the fantastical fairy world. This is the distinctive feature of the plot. In addition, players can change and adapt the story’s specifics to make it unfold exactly how they want it to. Nevertheless, it would be in everyone’s best interest if you exercised caution and did not permit them to deviate too far from the initial version. If you choose not to, you risk losing a significant number of points as well as valuable items.
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