Relive 1999 as Crunchyroll’s beloved mascot Hime in this vibrant retro adventure. When a malicious force threatens the Anime Club’s precious technology, only you can journey through haunted forests, scorching deserts and more to root out the villain sabotaging Y2K. Battle hordes of fiends in classic hack-and-slash dungeons. Solve environmental puzzles during expansive overworld quests. Even attempt the ultimate challenge – petting Hime’s aloof cat Yuzu. With console-quality visuals, silly villains and lighthearted humor, Hime’s Quest recaptures the spirit of classic RPG adventures. Gather your scrunchies and puka shell necklaces for a totally radical battle against technology’s greatest foe.
At its core, Hime’s Quest sends Crunchyroll’s beloved anime mascot on a sprawling 1999 adventure to uncover what sinister force threatens the Anime Club’s tech. With Y2K wreaking havoc, only you can help Hime venture through lavish environments from desert ruins to haunted forests, solving puzzles and battling oddball enemies to reveal the truth.
Additionally, Hime’s quest features expansive, vivid overworlds invoking 90s aesthetics to traverse and environmental puzzles to unravel. Decipher cryptic clues and manipulate each area’s elements to open the path forward. Discover optional side quests and hidden secrets.
Moreover, complementing the expansive overworlds, moody dungeons packed with baddies put your combat skills to the test. Time dodges and attacks perfectly in frantic real-time battles. Slash through hordes of quirky enemies and topple over-the-top bosses.
Furthermore, true to Crunchyroll’s spirit, humor and levity punctuate the journey. Enjoy amusing enemy designs and silly scenarios. Revel in vibrant visuals and upbeat tunes. Capture the joy of classic gaming.
Join Hime’s retro adventure through lavish worlds, brain-bending puzzles, frenetic battles and humor when Y2K strikes in Hime’s Quest.
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