Crewmate Adventure: Animation Parkour tells the story of Red and Blue, two agents disguised as infiltrating the Black Organization’s lair. They need to find a way to access and break into the spacecraft and get the important information to bring back safely. With their abilities, Red and Blue have completed their mission, and it is time for them to leave the ship as quickly as possible. But this does not seem to be a simple job, and these spies will need your help.
Two characters in the game will be controlled to move based on the directional arrow keys right on the left corner of the screen. On your way, you will need to bring two characters to collect the same cards of their color to open the doors to escape. Do not forget to pick up the coins arranged on your way. But it would be best to be careful with dangerous obstacles such as laser beams, traps, bodyguards in ships, and many more. Your task is to control both spy characters to reach the escape door. Use the shift button to switch between red and blue easily.
The challenge system is one of the top features that can attract players to Crewmate Adventure. The player’s main task is to help two fake spies escape from the spaceship, but this will be a long and extremely difficult journey. The game has built for its players a system with hundreds of different maps divided into many levels for them to explore in their adventure journey. The levels will be arranged according to the increasing difficulty trend, requiring players to upgrade their skills to overcome the challenge continuously.
Besides bringing many difficult challenges, the game has also been developed for its player’s worthy rewards. With each completed game level, the player will receive a reward with a fair amount of coins for their efforts. Also, with specific milestones in the game, players will receive a lucky spin, including valuable gifts.
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