1. Full Game
2. HD Graphics
3. Supports Android 13
Strap in for an exciting new Stargate story as the voices of O’Neill, Carter, Jackson and Teal’c reunite in Stargate SG-1: Unleashed – an immersive sci-fi adventure that awakens your fondest SG-1 memories. Explore new worlds and stop a sinister Goa’uld plot!
At its core, Unleashed brings back actors like Richard Dean Anderson as O’Neill, Amanda Tapping as Carter, and Christopher Judge as Teal’c to voice a brand new SG-1 story. Hear your favorite characters come alive once again.
An original SG-1 tale crafted by renowned Stargate novelist Sally Malcolm, Unleashed’s story fits right alongside classic episodes. New worlds and stakes await the team. The adventure begins when the SG-1 team steps through the intergalactic Stargate portal to investigate strange new planets. Journey to fresh new worlds each chapter!
Of course, where SG-1 goes, action follows. Battle Jaffa platoons using cover and quick reflexes. Outsmart the enemy and save innocent lives. More than just combat, true fans know SG-1’s knack for deciphering mysteries. Put your puzzle-solving skills to work unlocking cryptic alien relics and technology.
Unleashed wraps SG-1’s triumphant return in slick cinematic presentation with high quality visuals, a thrilling soundtrack, and full voice acting. Feel the movie magic. Experience an all-new Stargate SG-1 adventure voiced by the iconic cast when you play Stargate SG-1: Unleashed! The SG-1 legacy lives on.
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